Monday, February 7, 2011

Wake up!

So, what's your knowledge of the Earth's interior? Let me guess: you think it's filled with different "crusts" and "magmas". If only you knew the truth. Though mainstream jew-science would love to have you believe the inside of our earth is filled with some gooey red filling like some sort of giant absurd piece of candy, there's much more to the story. Where do you think the Nazis are hiding, controlling the world? Hitler definitely isn't embalmed in some russki pig's basement. He's in the center of the Earth, you Zionist controlled automaton. Where do you think aliens live? The Moon? Well that's true because the moon is also hollow, but many live in the interior of the Earth.

Not enough evidence for you? Just use your common sense. Why do you think no one lives at the north pole? It doesn't exist, fucking orange bastard. It's a giant hole.

Are your eyes opened yet? It's time to stop accepting what you're told by the liberal media and to start living a life of truth.


  1. LoL I don't know if you really believe in this but it was funny. I hope for more like this

  2. OW MY GOSH it is all so clear to me now!!!
    That explains where Atlanta went, it got stuck in the WTC towers when the aliens from Area 52 triet to conquer Middle Earth for the One Ring!!!
    I get it now, the entire world must know!!!!!

  3. Great blog name =P Actually, if my knowledge serves correct, a few high ranking Nazis from WWII believed there were mole people within the Earth. I found it hysterical, but hey, whatever floats your boat =P

  4. This is classic, your posts make me lol

  5. Wow this is really interesting and you're right, people have to stick their head out the gutter and not believe what these assholes say on tv.

  6. i dont even watch tv anymore

  7. haha, wasnt familiar with these...theories...thanks for sharing lol

  8. so where is the magma coming from

  9. Ancient magma machines installed underneath the Earth's crust millions of years ago

  10. bet there are people who actually believe this

  11. Aha! followed for making me laugh, The world is shaped like a ring doughnut

  12. Someone must have divided by zero. Thanks for the laugh!

  13. I can't believe people think this stuff is true. Got you followed/add for more laughs.

  14. Hory Sheet! Such wisdom I have not seen in many an age good sir!

  15. I've seen some crazy stuff like this before. Cool pictures

  16. I feel if I were to do DMT and reread your post, i'd gain knowledge far superior than my own being.

  17. amazing concept hahah. I thoroughly enjoyed this blog.

  18. dude, you blew my mind lol.
    no seriously ypu seem to have a knack at this stuff, keep it up.

  19. o dude nice it all makes sense now

  20. All of my questions have been answered! Thank you!
